
When Do Kittens Start Walking? A Guide About Kitten Development

when do kittens start walking

When do kittens start walking? This is a question that many new pet owners ask.

Kitten development can be confusing, so we have put together this comprehensive guide to answer all your questions!

In this article, we will cover everything from when kittens start crawling to when they start walking.

We will also discuss important milestones in kitten development and what you should be doing to help your kitten grow up healthy and strong.

When do kittens start walking?


The answer may surprise you!

Kittens typically start crawling around two weeks of age. This is when they begin to explore their surroundings and learn how to move their bodies.

At four weeks old, kittens usually start taking their first steps. By eight weeks old, most kittens can walk quite well.

However, some kittens may take a little longer to master this skill. If your kitten is not walking by 12 weeks old, be sure to consult your veterinarian.

There are many milestones in kitten development, but learning to walk is one of the most important. Walking helps kittens develop their muscles and coordination.

It also gives them the opportunity to explore their environment and interact with other kittens and cats.

How long does it take for a kitten to walk? 

How long it takes for a kitten to walk can vary. Some kittens may start walking as early as four weeks old, while others may take up to 12 weeks.

If your kitten is not walking by 12 weeks old, be sure to consult your veterinarian.

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Kittens usually begin walking by placing their front paws on the ground and then lifting their back end into the air.

They may start out by crawling or scooting but should gradually start to walk more upright as they get stronger and more coordinated.

Once they start walking, they will continue to improve their skills over the next few weeks. Eventually, they will be able to run and jump just like any other adult cat.

Why can’t my kitten walk yet?

If your kitten is not yet walking, there could be a few reasons.

Some kittens simply take longer to develop this skill

If your kitten is between eight and 12 weeks old and still not walking, consult your veterinarian. There may be an underlying health condition that is causing a delay in development.

They may also have a delay in development.

Kittens that are orphaned or hand-raised often do not receive the important socialization that is critical for normal development.

As a result, they may be behind in some of their milestones, including walking.

If your kitten was born early (before 37 days), it might also have a delay in development.

They may also malnutrition

Pre-term kittens often have difficulty sucking, which can lead to malnutrition. This can cause delays in all areas of development, including walking.


What can I do to help my kitten walk?

If your kitten is not yet walking, there are a few things you can do to help.

Make sure they are getting enough to eat.

Kittens need a lot of calories to grow and develop properly. If your kitten is not eating enough, it may be malnourished, which can cause delays in development.

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Provide them with plenty of opportunities to explore their environment.

This will help them develop their muscles and coordination. It will also give them the chance to interact with other kittens and cats, which is important for socialization.

If your kitten is not yet walking, consult your veterinarian. They can rule out any underlying health conditions and provide you with guidance on how to help your kitten develop normally.

Final words

Walking is an important milestone in kitten development. It helps them develop their muscles and coordination.

It also gives them the opportunity to explore their environment and interact with other kittens and cats. If your kitten is not walking by 12 weeks old, be sure to consult your veterinarian.

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