Take care of the pet

How to Bathe a 1, 2-Month-Old Puppy the Right Way

Most owners do not have a suitable bath for 2-month-old puppies. At this stage, puppies are very active and like to run and jump, so for puppies to have a healthy body, regular bathing for them is extremely necessary.

When is the right time to bathe a 2-month-old puppy?

When is the right time to bathe a 2-month-old puppy
When is the right time to bathe a 2-month-old puppy

At birth, the puppy’s body is not fully developed, so it is very weak. The mother dog will instinctively lick the dust on the puppy’s body. The mother dog will completely take care of the pups during the newborn period, so there is no need for too much care from the owner unless the mother dog has health problems.

Bathing puppies at birth is not necessary because at this time their immunity is not high, so they are prone to diseases. When the puppy is 8 weeks old, the organs in the body have developed. At this time, owners must clean their bodies regularly to prevent harmful bacteria from entering the puppy’s body after their play.

A bathing method is suitable for 2-month-old puppies

A bathing method is suitable for 2-month-old puppies
A bathing method is suitable for 2-month-old puppies

In order not to affect the health of puppies, choosing the right bath for them at this age is extremely important. Owners need to choose a bathing time, bathing tools, shampoo… suitable for the body of a 2-month-old puppy.

Owners need to know 3 steps to bathe their puppies as follows:

Step 1: The tools you need to prepare when taking a bath

We need to prepare the necessary items to bathe the puppy so that we do not have to search for tools many times and waste a lot of time.

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Tools to prepare such as:

Need to prepare at least 2 towels to dry the dog faster

A 2-month-old puppy has thin and weak skin, so it is necessary to use a soft brush

Shower gel for puppies

Other tools if needed

Step 2: Sequence of bathing the dog

The dog’s coat often contains a lot of dirt and impurities, so to clean them, it is necessary to use a specialized brush for puppies.
Wet the dog’s whole body from the bottom of the feet to the upper body with a spray nozzle, gently massage a reasonable amount of shampoo all over the dog’s body except the face because the dog’s eyes are very sensitive, so it is easy to be affected.
We can wipe the puppy’s face with a wet towel, then spray the entire shampoo. Puppies have a habit of licking their fur after bathing, so we have to wipe all the shampoo off their body.
Sequence of bathing the dog
Sequence of bathing the dog

Step 3: Wipe dry

Dry the dogs after bathing them. It is necessary to adjust the appropriate distance and temperature if using the dryer to avoid damage to their body.
It is necessary to let the dog’s hair dry completely to let them out so that the dog’s coat does not get a lot of dirt
Overbathing your dog will cause their hair to shed a lot and their skin will also thin. Therefore, you should only bathe 1-2 times per week to maintain their cleanliness.
Wipe dry dog
Wipe dry dog

3 common mistakes when bathing 2-month-old puppies

At this stage, the puppy’s body is more developed but still weak, requiring the owner to have a more suitable form of care. However, there are many cases where owners are too thorough in taking care of puppies, leading to the puppy’s disease and health risks.
We have 3 common mistakes when owners bathe their puppies as follows:

Mistake 1: Owners bath their puppies too much

Too much bathing for puppies when they are young will adversely affect their health. Owners should only bathe them 1-2 times per week depending on the level of dirt on the puppy’s coat, if their coat is not too dirty, they should limit bathing them because this can damage the puppy’s skin. be dry.

Mistake 2: Using human shampoos to bathe dogs

Usually, owners often take human shampoo to bathe their dogs because this is both quick and convenient and saves a lot of unnecessary costs. This is a misconception of the owner.
Using human shampoos to bathe dogs
Using human shampoos to bathe dogs
Human shampoos often contain a lot of acids, but at this stage, the puppy’s body is still weak, not suitable for using these shampoos. If the owner uses it regularly, the puppy’s body may be allergic, causing skin diseases.
Do not use human shampoo to bathe puppies
Do not use human shampoo to bathe puppies

Mistake 3: Choosing the wrong time to bathe your puppy

Owners often do not pay much attention to the reasonable time to bring their dog to the bath. This action of the owner is a big mistake, puppies should only bathe at necessary times, their body will weaken if bathed too much.
Choosing the wrong time to bathe your puppy
Choosing the wrong time to bathe your puppy
Should consider the weather situation when bathing the dog, the owner should only bathe the puppy when it is warm and sunny. If it rains or is cold, it should be extended 1-2 days depending on the weather.
Owners often make the mistake of bathing 2-month-old puppies, but bathing them is extremely simple. Through this article, we hope that owners have gained the necessary experience to take care of and nurture their pets comprehensively so that they can grow up healthy.

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