
Answered: How Do Dogs Act When They Smell Cancer

Dogs are known as man’s best friends for a reason. They are loyal, loving, and always there when you need them.

But did you know that dogs can also be used to detect cancer? It’s true!

Dogs have an incredible sense of smell, and they can be trained to sniff out cancer cells in the human body.

In this blog post, we will discuss how dogs act when they smell cancer, and we will explore some of the research that has been conducted on this topic. Stay tuned for more information!

What breed of dog can smell cancer?

Dogs of any breed can be trained to smell cancer, but some breeds are more adept at it than others.

For example, bloodhounds have over 220 million scent receptors in their noses, while humans have only about five million.

This means that bloodhounds are able to detect scents that are up to 100 times weaker than what we can smell.

Other breeds of dogs that have been used for cancer detection include Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers, German shepherds, and beagles.

How do dogs smell cancer?


Dogs use their sense of smell to detect cancer in two ways: they can either sniff out the presence of abnormal cells in a person’s body, or they can smell changes in a person’s breath, sweat, or urine.

For example, one study found that dogs could sniff out lung cancer with 96% accuracy and breast cancer with 98% accuracy.

Another study found that dogs could detect ovarian cancer by smelling a woman’s breath.

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There is still some debate about how exactly dogs are able to smell cancer, but the consensus seems to be that they can pick up on very subtle changes in the scent that we are unable to detect.

How does a dog react to smelling cancer?

The answer may surprise you. Dogs don’t just sit there and sniff. They actually show a variety of behaviors when they smell cancer, including:

Pawing at the person

When a dog smells cancer, it may react by pawing at the person or area where the cancer is present.

While this behavior may seem odd, it is actually an important way for dogs to communicate with their owners.

If your dog starts pawing at you more frequently, it may be worth checking with your doctor to see if there is any cause for concern.

Sniffing intensely

Another common behavior that dogs display when they smell cancer is intense sniffing.

They will often put their noses close to the person or area where the cancer is located and take deep, long sniffs.

This behavior is similar to what they do when they are trying to identify a particular scent.

Whimpering or whining

Whimpering or whining may be a sign that a dog smells cancer on a person. This behavior is usually a sign of stress or anxiety in the dog.

It may be caused by the dog’s heightened sense of smell, or it may be a reaction to the person’s illness.

If a dog seems to be whimpering or whining more than usual, it may be worth checking with a doctor to see if there is any cause for concern.

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Walking away

In some cases, dogs will walk away from the person with cancer. This behavior is often interpreted as a sign of the dog’s discomfort.

It may be caused by the intense smell of cancer, or it may be a reaction to the person’s illness.

If your dog starts to walk away from you more frequently, it may be worth checking with your doctor to see if there is any cause for concern.


Can dogs smell ovarian cancer?

The answer is yes! Dogs have been shown to be able to detect ovarian cancer with their sense of smell.

In one study, dogs were able to correctly identify women with ovarian cancer 82% of the time.

The dogs in the study were able to detect the disease even when it was in its early stages, which is incredible.

What about other types of cancer?

Dogs have also been shown to be able to detect other types of cancer, including breast cancer, skin cancer, and lung cancer.

In one study, dogs were even able to detect colorectal cancer with 96% accuracy. This is an incredible feat, and it shows just how powerful the sense of smell of a dog can be.

The bottom line

It’s no secret that dogs have an amazing sense of smell. But did you know that this highly developed sense of smell can be used to detect cancer?

While there is still some debate about how exactly dogs are able to smell cancer, the consensus seems to be that they can pick up on very subtle changes in the scent that we are unable to detect.

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This means that dogs may be able to detect cancer at an early stage when it is most treatable.

If you think your dog may be acting differently, it may be worth checking with your doctor to see if there is any cause for concern.

While more research is needed, the bottom line is that dogs have the potential to save lives by detecting cancer early.

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