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Are Cats Color Blind? The Science Behind How Cats See Colors - Dogsciencegroup.org

Are Cats Color Blind? The Science Behind How Cats See Colors

are cats color blind

Do you know how cats see colors? Believe it or not, cats don’t see the world in the same way that humans do.

In fact, their vision is very different! In this blog post, we will explore the science behind how cats see colors and discuss whether or not they are truly color blind.

We will also take a look at some of the most common myths about cat vision and set the record straight once and for all!

Are cats color blind?

The science behind how cats see colors may surprise you!

Most humans are trichromats, meaning that they have three types of color-sensitive cones in their eyes. These cones allow us to see a wide range of colors, from red to green to blue.

Cats, on the other hand, are dichromats. They have only two types of color-sensitive cones in their eyes, which means that they can’t see as many colors as we can.

However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that cats are color blind. While they may not be able to see all the colors that we can, they are still able to see a wide range of hues and shades.

So, what does this mean for cats?

Well, it means that they see the world in a way that is similar to humans who are color blind.

While they may not be able to see all the colors that we can, they are still able to see a wide range of hues and shades.

Do cats see in black and white?


The vast majority of cats are born with eyes that can see a range of colors, from blue and purple to green and yellow.

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However, there is a small percentage of felines that are born with a condition called achromatopsia, which results in an inability to see any colors at all.

Instead, these cats perceive the world only in shades of black and white.

While the exact cause of achromatopsia is unknown, it is believed to be the result of a genetic mutation.

Currently, there is no cure for the condition, but affected cats can still lead happy and healthy lives.

In fact, many owners of color-blind cats report that their pets seem to get along just fine without being able to see color.

What color do cats see?

While we may see a wide range of colors, cats mostly see shades of blue and green. This is because their color-sensitive cones are most sensitive to these colors. 

However, this doesn’t mean that cats can’t see other colors.

They just don’t see them as vividly as we do. For example, red appears as a dark blue or black, while orange appears as a light green. 

Overall, cats have a more limited range of color vision than we do, but they are still able to see a variety of colors.

So, the next time you’re admiring the vibrant colors of a sunset, remember that your cat sees a more subdued version of the same scene.

Can cats see in the dark?

One of the most common myths about cat vision is that they can see in the dark.

While it’s true that cats have much better night vision than humans do, this doesn’t mean that they can see in complete darkness. 

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Cats have a tapetum lucidum, which is a layer of reflective tissue behind their retina. This tissue reflects light back into the eye, which makes it easier for cats to see in low-light conditions. 

While this tissue does make it easier for cats to see in the dark, it doesn’t give them the ability to see in complete darkness.

Cats still need some level of light to be able to see, and they will often avoid completely dark areas.

So, if you’re looking for your cat in a dark room, they may be lurking in a shadowy corner rather than hiding in pitch blackness.


What colors are cats afraid of?

Cats are naturally fearful of certain colors. Orange and red, for example, are often associated with danger and aggression.

This is because these colors are typically used in hunting gear and prey animals are often colored red or orange.

As a result, these colors can trigger a fear response in cats. If you want to help your cat feel more comfortable, try using blue or green instead.

Blue and green are calming colors that are less likely to trigger a fear response in cats.

In addition, you can try using patterns or textures that resemble leaves or grass, as these can also help to calm your cat’s nerves.

By understanding what colors are scary for cats, you can create a more relaxing environment for your furry friend.


Cats see colors in a way that is similar to humans who are color blind. They are able to see a wide range of hues and shades, but they don’t see all the colors that we can.

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Cats also have better night vision than humans do, but this doesn’t mean that they can see in complete darkness.

Certain colors, such as orange and red, can be scary for cats. By understanding what colors are scary for cats, you can create a more relaxing environment for your furry friend.

Thanks for reading. You can read myths about cats such as are cats really have nine lives and what a cat thinks when he sees a human.

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