Dive into Delight: 12 Popular Small Aquarium Fish Species


Embarking on the creation of a small aquarium is a truly enjoyable venture.

The selection of the right fish species can turn your aquarium into a captivating underwater realm.

This guide will delve into 12 species of small aquarium fish, providing valuable insights to assist you in choosing the ideal aquatic companions for your tank.

Let’s begin our exploration!

Popular Small Aquarium Fish Species

Neon Tetra


Neon Tetra, recognized for their dazzling colors, are petite, peaceful fish that effortlessly inject a burst of vibrancy into any aquarium.

Their vibrant hues, spanning from electric blues to radiant reds, make them a captivating addition to your aquatic ensemble.

These small, yet spirited, fish thrive in groups, creating a mesmerizing display of synchronized movements as they navigate their watery domain.

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Detailed species overview

Fish Breed Neon Tetra
Common Name Neon Tetra
Scientific Name
Paracheirodon innesi
Adult Size 1.5 inches
Color Vibrant
Life Expectancy 5-10 years

Betta Fish


Betta Fish, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, are renowned for their exquisite fins and an extensive palette of colors.

These captivating fish bring an air of elegance to your aquarium.

Despite their name suggesting otherwise, Betta Fish can coexist peacefully in a community tank, as long as there’s ample space and appropriate tank mates.

Their relatively low-maintenance nature makes them an excellent choice for both novice and experienced aquarium enthusiasts.

Detailed species overview

Fish Breed Betta Fish
Common Name
Betta or Siamese Fighting Fish
Scientific Name Betta splendens
Adult Size 2-3 inches
Color Varied
Life Expectancy 3-5 years



Guppies, celebrated for their animated personalities and striking color variations, are an ideal choice for beginners due to their robustness.

These small, yet resilient, fish display a kaleidoscope of colors, ranging from vibrant oranges to deep blues.

Guppies are known for their prolific breeding habits, adding an element of excitement to your aquarium as you witness the arrival of new fry.

Detailed species overview

Fish Breed Guppy
Common Name Guppy
Scientific Name
Poecilia reticulata
Adult Size 1.5-2.5 inches
Color Diverse
Life Expectancy 2-3 years

Dwarf Gourami


Dwarf Gouramis, with their vivid hues and unique labyrinth organs enabling them to breathe air, bring both visual appeal and intrigue to your aquatic setup.

These small labyrinth fish are characterized by their distinctive patterns and a vibrant array of colors.

While they can be relatively peaceful, it’s crucial to be mindful of tank mates to prevent any territorial disputes.

Ensuring a suitable environment with proper filtration and maintaining stable water conditions contributes to the well-being of Dwarf Gouramis.

Detailed species overview

Fish Breed Dwarf Gourami
Common Name Dwarf Gourami
Scientific Name
Trichogaster lalius
Adult Size 2 inches
Color Vivid
Life Expectancy 4-8 years
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Platies, with their diverse array of colors, bring a lively charm to any aquarium.

These small, peaceful fish are recognized for their amicable nature, making them ideal for community aquariums.

Their social behavior adds a dynamic element to the tank, as they interact with both their own kind and other fish species.

Platies thrive in environments with suitable hiding spots and vegetation.

Maintaining water quality and providing a balanced diet contribute to their overall well-being.

Detailed species overview

Fish Breed Platy
Common Name Platy
Scientific Name
Xiphophorus maculatus
Adult Size
2.5 inches (approx.)
Color Various colors
Life Expectancy 3-5 years

Corydoras Catfish


Corydoras Catfish, renowned as excellent tank cleaners, play a crucial role in maintaining a clean and healthy aquarium.

These small catfish are adept scavengers, diligently searching for leftover food and debris.

Beyond their practical contributions, Corydoras Catfish exhibit a charming schooling behavior, forming a cohesive unit that gracefully moves through the tank.

To ensure their welfare, it’s essential to provide a substrate that is gentle on their barbels and maintains optimal water conditions.

Detailed species overview

Fish Breed
Corydoras Catfish
Common Name
Corydoras Catfish
Scientific Name
Corydoras species
Adult Size 2-3 inches
Various, often earthy tones
Life Expectancy 5-10 years

Endler’s Livebearer


Endler’s Livebearers, akin to guppies but smaller in size, captivate with their active behavior and vibrant colors.

These fish are known for their perpetual motion, adding a dynamic energy to the aquarium.

Due to their small size, they are suitable for smaller tanks, making them an excellent choice for hobbyists with limited space.

Regular monitoring of water parameters and a well-balanced diet are key to promoting the health and longevity of Endler’s Livebearers.

Detailed species overview

Fish Breed
Endler’s Livebearer
Common Name
Endler’s Livebearer
Scientific Name Poecilia wingei
Adult Size 1 inch (approx.)
Diverse, vibrant colors
Life Expectancy 2-3 years

Cherry Barb


Cherry Barbs introduce a vivid splash of red to your tank, creating a visually striking aquatic display.

These fish are celebrated for their schooling behavior, forming tight-knit groups that move in harmony.

Their peaceful nature makes them compatible with various tank mates, contributing to a tranquil community atmosphere.

Cherry Barbs are relatively easy to care for, provided that water conditions are stable, and they are offered a diverse diet. 

Detailed species overview

Fish Breed Cherry Barb
Common Name Cherry Barb
Scientific Name Puntius titteya
Adult Size
2 inches (approx.)
Striking red hues
Life Expectancy 4-7 years

Sparkling Gourami


Sparkling Gouramis, characterized by their captivating and shimmering appearance, add a touch of magic to any aquarium.

These small labyrinth fish are not only visually appealing but also bring a sense of tranquility to their surroundings.

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Their peaceful nature makes them well-suited for small community tanks, where they can coexist harmoniously with other fish species. 

Detailed species overview

Fish Breed
Sparkling Gourami
Common Name
Sparkling Gourami
Scientific Name
Trichopsis pumila
Adult Size
1.5 inches (approx.)
Shimmering, iridescent hues
Life Expectancy 3-5 years

Honey Gourami


Honey Gouramis, with their unique honey-like coloration, exude a subtle yet distinctive charm.

These peaceful labyrinth fish are known for their adaptability to various tank conditions, making them versatile additions to different setups.

Their calm demeanor makes them suitable for community tanks, and they often engage in interesting behaviors, such as building bubble nests.

Maintaining stable water parameters and incorporating hiding spots contribute to the contentment of these delightful fish.

Detailed species overview

Fish Breed Honey Gourami
Common Name Honey Gourami
Scientific Name
Trichogaster chuna
Adult Size
2 inches (approx.)
Honey-like shades, often orange or red
Life Expectancy 4-8 years

White Cloud Mountain Minnow


White Cloud Mountain Minnows, small and cold-water enthusiasts, are a hardy choice for beginners.

Their striking silver and gold coloration make them a visually appealing addition to any aquarium.

These fish thrive in cooler temperatures, making them suitable for setups without a heater.

White Clouds are known for their social nature, and they fare well in groups. 

Detailed species overview

Fish Breed
White Cloud Mountain Minnow
Common Name
White Cloud Mountain Minnow
Scientific Name
Tanichthys albonubes
Adult Size
1.5 inches (approx.)
Color Silver and gold
Life Expectancy 5-7 years



Danios, recognized for their active swimming behavior, inject energy and vibrancy into the aquarium.

With various color variations available, they offer a diverse palette to aquarium enthusiasts.

These social fish thrive in groups, and their fast-paced swimming patterns create an engaging spectacle.

Danios are relatively hardy and adaptable, making them suitable for both novice and experienced hobbyists. 

Detailed species overview

Fish Breed Danio
Common Name Danio
Scientific Name Danio rerio
Adult Size
2 inches (approx.)
Various, including blue, gold, and red
Life Expectancy 3-5 years

Tips for Choosing the Right Small Fish Species for Your Tank

Tank size matters

The size of your tank plays a pivotal role in determining the well-being of your fish.

Before selecting fish species, consider the tank size and its capacity to support the specific needs of the inhabitants.

Some species, like the Betta, thrive in smaller tanks, appreciating the coziness and minimal space.

On the other hand, energetic swimmers like Danios may require more expansive environments to express their natural behaviors fully.

Matching the tank size to the requirements of the chosen fish is essential for a thriving aquatic community.


Creating a harmonious tank environment involves understanding the compatibility of different fish species.

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Some fish are territorial and may not tolerate the presence of other territorial individuals.

Conversely, social species thrive in groups and enjoy the company of their kind.

Thorough research into the behavior of potential tank mates is crucial to avoid conflicts and promote peaceful coexistence.

Water conditions

Each fish species has specific water parameter requirements to thrive.

Understanding the preferred temperature, pH levels, and water hardness of your chosen fish is essential for maintaining a healthy environment.

Some species, such as Tetras, may prefer slightly acidic water, while others, like Livebearers, thrive in alkaline conditions.

Regular monitoring of water quality and making necessary adjustments ensure that the tank conditions align with the needs of the fish, preventing stress and potential health issues.

Dietary needs 

Meeting the dietary preferences of your fish is crucial for their overall well-being.

Different species have varied nutritional requirements – some are omnivores, others are herbivores, and some are carnivores.

Research the specific dietary needs of your chosen fish and provide a well-balanced diet to support optimal health and vibrant colors.

Offering a mix of high-quality pellets, flakes, and occasional live or frozen foods ensures that your fish receive the essential nutrients they need for growth, energy, and immune system support.

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Embarking on the journey of creating a small aquarium is a gratifying endeavor, and the selection of the right fish species can elevate it to a truly enchanting experience.

Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned hobbyist, the realm of small aquarium fish beckons with a rich tapestry of colors and behaviors waiting to be explored.

Make your choices judiciously, and witness the mesmerizing transformation of your aquatic world coming to life!


Can I keep different species together in a small aquarium?

It’s possible, but careful research is crucial to ensure compatibility. Some species coexist peacefully, while others may exhibit aggressive behavior.

How many fish can I keep in a small aquarium?

The number of fish depends on the size of the tank and the specific species. Overcrowding can lead to stress and health issues, so it’s important to follow recommended stocking guidelines.

Are small aquariums suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Small aquariums are often recommended for beginners due to their manageable size and ease of maintenance. Just ensure you choose fish species that are beginner-friendly.

What is the ideal water temperature for small aquarium fish?

The ideal water temperature varies between species. It’s essential to research the specific temperature requirements of the fish you choose and invest in a reliable aquarium heater if needed.

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