
Do Dogs Get Stressed at Christmas? The Truth Behind Their Holiday Stress

do dogs get stressed at christmas

Christmas is a time of joy and happiness for humans, but what about dogs? Do they get stressed out during the holiday season? The answer may surprise you.

In this blog post, we will explore the truth behind dogs’ holiday stress.

We will look at the different things that can cause stress for dogs during Christmas and discuss ways to help them cope.

So, sit back and relax – we’re about to dive into the world of canine Christmas stress!

Do dogs know when it is Christmas?


It is a common belief that dogs are not aware of the concept of Christmas. However, this is not entirely true.

Dogs are very intuitive creatures and they can pick up on the change in atmosphere that comes with the holiday season. 

They may not know exactly what Christmas is, but they can sense that something different is going on. This can be a cause of stress for some dogs, as they may not understand what is happening.

However, there are some things that you can do to help your dog through this stressful time. 

Do dogs get stressed at Christmas?

It’s a question that many dog owners ask themselves every year.

After all, the holidays can be a stressful time for humans, so it stands to reason that our furry friends might feel the same way.

There are a few things that can cause stress for dogs during the holiday season. It includes:

Changes in routine

Dogs are creatures of habit and they like things to stay the same. The holiday season, with its changes in routine, can be stressful for them.

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Things like staying up late to open presents or having visitors over can disrupt their usual routine and throw them off balance.

As a result, it’s important to be aware of how these changes might affect your dog and take steps to help them adjust.


Dogs have much sharper hearing than we do and all the noise that comes with the holiday season – from caroling to fireworks – can be overwhelming for them.

If your dog is particularly sensitive to noise, it’s important to take steps to help them cope, such as providing a quiet place for them to retreat to or using noise-canceling headphones.

Changes in diet

We all know that one of the joys of the holiday season is indulging in all of our favorite foods.

But did you know that changes in diet can also cause stress for dogs?

Just like humans, some dogs are more sensitive than others when it comes to food. And, if they’re not used to eating table scraps or rich holiday foods, they may experience stomach upset or other digestive issues.

What can you do to help your dog cope with Christmas stress?


Here are a few tips:

Keep their routine as normal as possible

This means sticking to their usual feeding and walking schedule and avoiding any sudden changes in the environment or routine.

If you do need to make any changes, such as traveling for the holidays, try to introduce them gradually so that your dog has time to adjust.

With a little planning, you can help your dog enjoy a stress-free Christmas.

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Provide a safe space

Noise and activity can be overwhelming for dogs, so it’s important to provide them with a quiet place to retreat to when things get too hectic.

This could be a crate or bed in a quiet room or even just a spot on the couch where they can feel safe and relaxed.

Monitor their diet

Changes in diet can cause digestive upset for dogs, so it’s important to be careful about what they eat during the holiday season.

If you’re unsure about what’s safe, talk to your veterinarian or a pet nutritionist.

These are just a few of the things that can cause stress for dogs during Christmas.

By being aware of the potential sources of stress and taking steps to help them cope, you can ensure that your furry friend has a happy and stress-free holiday season.


Christmas can be a stressful time for dogs, as they may not understand what is happening.

However, there are some things that you can do to help your dog through this stressful time, such as keeping their routine as normal as possible and providing a safe space.

Additionally, you should monitor their food during the holiday season to avoid any digestive issues. With a little planning, you can help your dog enjoy a stress-free Christmas.

Finally, be mindful of what your dog is eating during Christmas – rich food can cause digestive upsets, so it’s best to stick to their usual diet.

By following these simple tips, you can help your dog have a happy and stress-free holiday season.

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